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7 Ways to Bond with Your Baby – Bonding with your child can be fun and extremely beneficial. Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their baby. The best way to makes parents want to bath their baby with love and affection and to protect himself and care for their little one. Bonding with your baby is probably one of the most pleasurable aspects of infant care.

As a new parent, you’ve got tons of questions. There’s so much you need to know, like how to deal with separation anxiety as a working mom or how exactly to travel with a newborn. Sure, you read dozens of books about how to parent while pregnant, but now that your babe is here, you don’t have time to read the millions of parenting books out there.

What are the Best Ways to Bond with your Newborn?

Some of the parents imagine that magical moment of pure ‘bonding’ with your newborn baby, and while some moms do feel that right from day one and they will do it.

7 Ways to Bond with your Baby

Here are some best ways to bond with your babies in the first year of their lives.

1. Pay Lots of Attention to Your Baby

Infants have basic but very important needs. When we respond to these needs, babies develop a sense of security and trust. This becomes an essential foundation for later learning, loving and growing. When your baby fusses, what do you do naturally? You pick him up and soothe him. This everyday routine helps your baby learn that he/she can count on you to respond to his/her needs.

2. Love

You may hear people say that you should not hold a baby too much, or you will spoil him. In the first six months of life, it is impossible to spoil a baby. Our job as parents is to respond to these needs by holding, cuddling, feeding or soothing. These close moments convey a BIG message: I love you and I am here for you.

3. Playfulness 

Throughout the day, you can steal all kinds of playful, enjoyable moments. Physical contact and cheerful interaction help your baby learn to socialize and is playful.

4. Patience and Consistency

You may have already noticed that your baby cries in different ways to communicate different needs. A strong cry might mean, “I’m really hungry and want to eat now!” Patience and consistent responses to cries are essential in the first six months. Consistency helps your baby learn to expect and trust that you will respond.

5. Sleep Near Your Baby

To bond throughout night long, let your baby sleep in your room in a bedside bassinet that you can attach to your bed, so he/she’ll be close to you and be safe.

6. Try Baby Massage

This is the best way to practice that bond with your baby and relaxes her muscles, increases circulation, and reduces stress plus, a 15-minute bedtime massage will help your baby fall asleep faster and rest better.

7. Speak your own language 

When your child starts talking, listen for her/his unique vocabulary, like “boops” for “boots” or “gaga” for “grandma.” Encourage him to name his stuffed animals to give nicknames to family members, or learn some simple sign language.

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