Care4 Hygiene

If you’re trying to get pregnant, it can seem like an eternity until you get a positive pregnancy test. Wouldn’t it be fabulous if there were a simple and straightforward way of knowing you were pregnant, from the moment you conceived?

Some women may experience a range of pregnancy symptoms quite soon after finding out they are pregnant. Others may have a healthy pregnancy with nothing much more than a missed period and a few aches and pains.

16 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Below are 16 pregnancy symptoms which you may or may not experience. Remember, every woman and every pregnancy is unique. There’s no need to panic if you don’t have all of the listed pregnancy symptoms.

1. Shortness of Breath

Do you get winded going up the stairs all of a sudden? It might be because you’re pregnant. The growing fetus needs oxygen, leaving you a little short. Sorry to say, this one may continue throughout your pregnancy, especially as your growing baby starts to put pressure on your lungs and diaphragm.

2. Higher Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

If you chart your cycle and take your temperature, you will notice that your BBT will remain high throughout your luteal phase. Progesterone causes your BBT to rise upon ovulation and stay elevated should you be pregnant. If you’re not pregnant, your BBT will drop down and you’ll get your period as normal.

3. Morning sickness/nausea vomiting

Some women never experience this symptom, while others have severe nausea. Its most typical onset is between the 2nd and 8th weeks of pregnancy. Most women experience relief from the symptoms around the 13th or 14th week, but others may have nausea persistent throughout the pregnancy.

4. Food cravings/aversions

Cravings may begin in early pregnancy and may last throughout the pregnancy. Likewise, food aversions (feeling nausea or distaste for a particular food) can also occur.

5. Back pain

Often considered more a symptom of late pregnancy, low back pain can actually begin in the early stages of pregnancy. Women can experience some degree of back pain throughout pregnancy.

6. Mood changes

Mood swings are relatively common during the first trimester of pregnancy due to changing hormone levels. They may also be related to stress or other factors.

7. Fatigue

While this symptom is very nonspecific and may be related to numerous factors, pregnant women often describe feelings of fatigue from the earliest weeks of pregnancy.

8. Strong — or brittle — nails

Many women notice that their nails are stronger than ever, and although this is due in part to pregnancy hormones, taking prenatal vitamins before conceiving has a lot to do with it too.

9. Increased sense of smell

If you live for your cup of joe in the morning but all of a sudden the aroma makes you sick, you might want to take a pregnancy test. “Sense of smell can become extraordinarily keen, and in fact, certain smells that people might have enjoyed in the past, they may find to be totally nauseating.

10. Frequent urination

An increase in both blood volume and the filtration rate of the kidneys will make it so that you need to urinate more frequently Implantation bleeding or cramping

11. Implantation bleeding or cramping

Mild bleeding or spotting may occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, anywhere from 6 to 12 days after fertilization. Mild cramping can also occur at this time.

12. Constipation

Hormone levels can also cause some women to have constipation in early pregnancy.

13. Implantation Bleeding

As soon as six days after conception or soon after, pregnant women may experience implantation bleeding and even a little cramping. When the fertilized egg embeds into the uterine lining, it can cause a little spotting. As it gets closer to the expected period, any implantation bleeding may be mistaken for a light or odd period.

14. Vaginal Discharge

Very early on in the pregnancy, there is an increase in the hormone progesterone. It’s responsible for many pregnancy side effects and symptoms, with increased white vaginal discharge being one of them.

15. Heartburn

Pressure from the growing uterus may push the stomach upward and out of its normal location, leading to symptoms of heartburn. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause relaxation of one of the sphincters controlling the reflux of acid from the stomach

16. Swollen feet and ankles

Pressure from the enlarged uterus may slow down the blood flow of veins in the legs, leading to fluid buildup.

Certain symptoms, like tender breasts and nausea, often improve as pregnancy advances.Additional symptoms of later pregnancy are related to the size of the growing uterus and weight gain.

Many medications, including some kinds of antibiotics, are also safe to take during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about considering taking, or taking any over-the-counter, prescription medicine, or any supplements or vitamins.



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