Care4 Hygiene

Baby Skin Allergies and Its Causes – This happens, when the skin becomes inflamed because of direct contact with an allergen. It causes a provocative reaction and can exacerbate eczema, hives, and other rashes. If you have a child with allergies comes into contact with an allergen, either by touching it, breathing it, eating it, or having it injected baby’s body mistakenly views it as a dangerous invader and releases histamines and other chemicals to fight it off.

It depends on how often your child has been exposed to the allergen. It typically takes time for an allergy to develop. A single allergic person has an edge that must be come to before an allergen causes a reaction, and this can take a while.

Don’t allow smoking in your home, Use dust-mite-proof mattress covers and pillowcases, Clean regularly to decrease the concentration of dust, mold, and feathers in your home. If possible avoid carpeting especially in infant’s room Keep your home pest-free.

5 Common Skin Allergies in Babies: Symptoms and Causes

Baby Skin Allergies and Its Causes

1. Soaps, Lotions, and Detergents

It’s normal for babies, who have sensitive skin, to have a reaction to certain cleansers, moisturizers, and laundry detergents, which contain potentially irritating chemicals. Rashes or skin irritation is starting, especially comes after your baby is bathed, has baby lotion applied on his/her body, or wears just-laundered clothes.

Try it switching the lotion or detergent to a different brand or in a small amount, particularly one that is fragrance-free. If are using new creams & lotions, apply a small amount to your baby’s skin and wait a few minutes to see if there’s a reaction.

2. Food Allergens

Some foods are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than others. The most common food allergies are to Milk, Eggs, Fish, Wheat, Peanuts, and Soybeans. Babies who are allergic to milk overreact to the proteins in cow’s milk. This is the most well-known base for the newborn baby recipe; around 2 to 3 percent of infants are sensitive to milk. Sometimes you offer another food, you should wait for three to five days before adding another new item to the menu.

Don’t eliminate the other foods your baby is eating during that time; you already know these are safe because the child has not had any food reactions up until now. Just don’t add anything else new

3. Drool

Drool – It seems like redness and tiny bumps on the area that comes into contact with saliva. The rash is usually located in the mouth area, but it can extend down to the neck and chest.

The Drool rashes can be unattractive and uncomfortable, but they are nothing to scare about unless a hard yellow area shows up on the rash; this could be an indication of infection.

4. Eczema

Eczema can be noticed as dry skin, red, itchy rashes, it can be limited to certain spot like inner parts of elbows and all over the body main causes of its smoke and dust, heat and sweat, certain components in soap, lotions, oil.

5. Miliaria

It is not very troublesome and may get cured on its few days, it occurs because of accumulation of sweat in the body.It is most common in hot. To avoid miliaria is by dressing your baby in light clothes and make sure applying powder to minimize sweating.

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