Care4 Hygiene

Incontinence can be described as the lack of voluntary of control over urination or defecation.

Urinary Incontinence (UI) in men is not as common as it is in women but it is still a condition that can affect men. Uncontrollable urination or urinary incontinence occurs in eleven to 34 percent of older men but it is not just an age related issue. Younger men can also experience in UI due to a health problem.

Remedies for Incontinence

Natural Remedies for Incontinence

Here are the 12 natural remedies for Incontinence for your consideration:

  1. Regain bladder control

Few peoples want to talk about incontinence, but according to the National Association of continence, nearly 25 million Americans struggle with bladder control. Of those, 75% to 80% are women.

There are drugs and surgeries that can help incontinence, depending on the cause of the problem but there are no other options.

  1. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises – which involve flexing the same muscles you use to stop the urinary flow are top on the list of remedies.Kegel exercise is very useful for the early stage of incontinence and after a surgical repair to maintain pelvic floor tone over time.

  1. Get fit

Losing weight if you are overweight is an important step toward reducing the severity of your incontinence. Excess belly fat puts pressure on the bladder and the pelvic muscles. Shedding a few pounds if you are overweight can help restore your bladder control.

  1. Train your bladder

Think of it as a bladder boot camp. While may it sound simple, training your bladder takes patience. In the beginning, you try to delay urinating by 10 minutes and build up to 20 minutes. Eventually, you will increase the time so that you can comfortably use the restroom every four hours.

  1. Magnesium

Magnesium, an important mineral for proper muscle and nerve function, may also ease incontinent worries.Some doctors believe that magnesium could relieve incontinence because it reduces bladder muscle spasms and allows the bladder to empty completely.

Add magnesium rich foods, such as corn, potatoes, and banana in your diet but talk to your doctor before you start taking magnesium supplements.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes calcium intake and good bone health. You can research suggests that it can also reduce the risk of incontinence.

  1. Yoga

Yoga practitioners have reported to improvements in bladder control by regular performance and a less popular exercise known as Mula Bandha. These improvements help to strengthen and thicken the muscles of the pelvic floor which provide increased urinary control.

  1. Meditation

Earlier 2009 the study of women with incontinence, listening to audio recordings and performing the relaxation and visualization exercises twice a week resulted in a reduction of urinary accidents from an average of 38 times per week to an average of 12 times a week.

  1. Biofeedback

During Biofeedback, electrical sensors monitor muscles and allow you to get a sense of what’s happening in your body – and make changes that reduce incontinence.

  1. Pessary

A Pessary is a ring type device that is inserted into the vagina to lift and support the vagina and bladder. It can help to reduce stress incontinence; the type of incontinence associated with coughing or exercises.

Pessaries can remain in place for about a week, and some women end up using the device definitely.

  1. Quit smoking

In case you need another reason to quit smoking, add “antidote to incontinence” to the list.

  1. Acupuncture

If you have incontinence you might consider acupuncture.

  1. Hypnotherapy

In hypnotherapy, a hypnotherapist puts the patient in a state of deep relaxation and heightened concentration.

  1. Cut out caffeine

Caffeine, a diuretic, can contribute to bladder irritation and stimulate muscle contractions, which can both cause incontinence.

  1. Stay hydrated

It sounds counterintuitive if you have always go to but drinking enough water and other fluids in crucial in managing incontinence. If you don’t stay hydrated you may end up the constipated which can irritate the bladder and incontinence.

If you are facing this incontinence problem, above you will find the natural remedies along with prescribed treatment you can have greater success in managing your urinary incontinence.

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