Care4 Hygiene

Trying for a baby is pretty all-consuming and if doesn’t happen instantly it can get stressful.

Getting Pregnant is a big step. And while you may be thinking a lot about how a baby will change your life. You might not realize there may be changes you should make even before you even get pregnant to give that baby the best possible healthy start.

Things to Keep in Mind Regarding your Diet and Lifestyle Before Trying to get Pregnant

Some simple methods have been proven to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

  1. Switch to a balanced diet

An essential factor to keep you as protective parent ready for pregnancy. Make sure your meals include enough fibers in the form of fruits and vegetables. Increase the consumption of leafy vegetables and cereals for a healthy dose of folic acid. Get some fish into your diet; after all 3 Omega, 3 fatty acids are equally essential for the brain development of your future baby.

  1. Increase intake of calcium

During pregnancy, you need more calcium to maintain your own calcium stores as well as for the development of your baby’s bones and health. Your calcium requirement during pregnancy is 1000mg a day, which can be met through consuming 2-4 servings of milk and alternatives a day.

  1. Get into a workout routine

Your body is going to go through tremendous changes. Physically you need to be prepared. A fit body is bound to make a whole pregnancy a lot more comfortable with minimal side effects and troubles.

  1. Avoid alcohol and smoking

One may not be excessively consuming alcohol but it is a good to take a break if you are trying to conceive. Your future baby deserves a healthy set of patterns.

  1. Get your medical check-ups in place

Try to plan a visit to your General practitioner before you trying for a baby.  Knowing your medical history, doing some simple tests and identifying some precautions that you in a particular may need to take can make your pregnancy planning much smoother.

  1. Avoid gaining excessive weight

Mothers should not gain excessive weight during pregnancy. During pregnancy, an additional 300 calories per day is required. You can obtain the additional 300 calories from one of the following:

  • 2 slices of bread with cheese and margarine.
  • The ½ extra bowl of rice for lunch and dinner.


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